June 26, 2012-Signing of Deed of Gift:  PNAA, PNANJ, PNAAF to Rutgers University, with Ronald Becker Head Special Collections. Historical documents will now be housed at Rutgers’s Alexander Library (New Brunswick). Thanks for the leadership of Phoebe Andes & the Archives Committee - Another Dream Come True!

a momentous occasion
PNAA- May Mayor,  Rey Rivera & Rose Estrada:  PNANJ-Marley Nicolas & Majuvy Sulse: PNAAF-Amor Castro, Phoebe Andes-Founder PNANJ, PNAA & PNAAF;  Retired Judge Sue Pai Yang-founder and past president of Asian Coalition of NJ who walked us through the legalities of the contract.

a momentous occasion
Ronald Becker-Head Special Collections, Rutgers University Libraries explains the terms and conditions, copyright interests, disposition of materials of the Deed of Gift. Tara, a Rutgers graduate student and part timer works for the Asian Coalition Archives project at the Library.