Our Mission

Uphold the image and foster the welfare of the Filipino-American nurses in the State of New Jersey as a professional group.

Our Beginnings

On August 8, 1976, a small group of dedicated nurses from the Philippines founded the Philippine Nurses Association of New Jersey (PNANJ) as a non-profit professional organization to promote the intellectual, cultural, social, economic and personal well-being of Filipino nurses. PNANJ has become one of the professional nursing associations that is well-recognized for its achievement and participation in the state and national nursing agenda.The first subchapter was established in 1987 by Filipino nurses at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. Formation of hospital-based subchapters followed: St. Peter's Medical Center, Raritan Bay Medical Center, South Amboy Memorial Hospital, St. Michael Medical Center, Elizabeth General Medical Center, Irvington General Hospital, Bergen Pines Hospital, Community Medical Center at Ocean County, Jersey City Medical Center and Somerset Medical Center. As membership expanded and work-based subchapters proliferated, subchapters were reorganized to represent members within each county within the state. At present, there are nine subchapters formed; Atlantic/Cape May, Bergen, Essex, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean County, Passaic, & Somerset.

PNANJ members were instrumental in the creation of the national organization, the Philippine Nurses Association of America (PNAA). As a chapter of the PNAA, it continues to provide key leadership role in the national organization. PNANJ is an active member of other Filipino organizations as the Federation of Philippine Societies of New Jersey and NAFFAA. The Association is closely involved with humanitarian and socioeconomic projects of the Philippine Consulate Office in New York City. PNANJ is a member of the New Jersey Coalition of Nursing Organizations and participates in the activities of the New Jersey State Nurses Association and the New Jersey Asian American Association for Human Services.

Our Goals & Objectives

  • Foster Unity among Filipino nurses in the State of New Jersey.
  • Provide a mechanism for networking with other organizations and agencies in developing and implementing programs relevant to nursing practice, education and research.
  • Formulate and implement strategies for acting on nursing issues, legislation, and public policies which directly or indirectly affect nursing.
  • Coordinate and provide educational programs designed to assist members and qualified individuals in the acquisition and expansion of knowledge, professional excellence, and nursing practice through scholarship.
  • Promote advancement of professional nursing through scholarship and research awards.
  • Collaborate with organizations and agencies, both in New Jersey and the Philippines to facilitate the professional and cultural adjustments of Filipino nurses in New Jersey.
  • Organize and actively participate in community health programs relating to disease prevention and health promotion.