June 27, 2012- Union County Subchapter Meeting and Election of Officers. Union County elects its new officers for 2012-2014 at the residence of René Reniva-Interim Subchapter President. Congratulations to the new President Alma Cabonell (seated L), Resy Millora Dilag (standing next to Rene), President- Elect, Marissa Jacinto (seated center), VP, all the newly elected officers and Rene & his EB for extending their term to keep Union County on the road.
June 26, 2012-Signing of Deed of Gift: PNAA, PNANJ, PNAAF to Rutgers University, with Ronald Becker Head Special Collections. Historical documents will now be housed at Rutgers’s Alexander Library (New Brunswick). Thanks for the leadership of Phoebe Andes & the Archives Committee - Another Dream Come True!
PNANJ Essex Subchapter demonstrated their enthusiasm, visibility and engagement to PNANJs mission of Community Partnerships at the June 24, 2012 Jersey City Indepedence Day Celebration by collaborating with UPMASA & UERM in the health screening of our Filipino Americans at the Lincoln Park, Jersey City.